Using a search query instead of a Uri in a URL

Recently I wanted to link to a Record using the external ID, not the Uri or the number.  This was from a customised WeDrawer page so I could have done a search to find the Uri and then used that, but I didn't want that extra step.  A little reflection (and poking around in the code) and I realised that I could use the external id in the URL after all.

If it was a search

A search by external id would look like this, problem was I want to open the actual record page, not a list of one record.


As a URL

As long as a search returns only one result then you can substitute the query for the Uri in the URL, as long as you can compose the query without using a colon (colons are reserved characters in URLs).  So below I use equals instead of colon to either open the details page or go directly to the document via the external id.



As is my habit I use the internal name for the search clause (recExternal) not the name (external) to minimise the possibility of breakages due to either custom captions or use of different languages.

Written on March 14, 2018