How do I create a record relationship?
There is a lot going on in HPRM and it is not always apparent where to go in the ServiceAPI to do what you want to do. In this video I have brief look around as I work out how to add a record relationship.
C# Example
This example uses the c# libraries as documented at this path /help/dotnetclient in your ServiceAPI to add a new child relationship to the ChildRelationships collection.
TrimClient trimClient = new TrimClient("http://myserver/HPRMServiceAPI"); trimClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("david", "XXXXX"); trimClient.AlwaysSendBasicAuthHeader = true; Record record = new Record(); record.Uri = 12; record.ChildRelationships = new List<RecordRelationship>() { new RecordRelationship() {RelatedRecord = new RecordRef() { Uri = 13}, RelationType = RecordRelationshipType.IsRelatedTo} }; trimClient.Post<RecordsResponse>(record); foreach (RecordRelationship relationship in record.ChildRelationships) { Console.WriteLine(relationship.RelatedRecord.Uri); }
Written on May 21, 2015