Today's question - creating record relationships from the ServiceAPI
In HPRM records may have a variety of different relationships, from 'Redaction of' to 'Related to'. These relationships are managed in both the SDK and ServiceAPI via the child collection construct. To add a relationship you add a new item to the ChildRelationships collection, to remove a relationship you remove an item from this collection.
This code will create a new relationship using the .Net client for the ServiceAPI.
TrimClient trimClient = new TrimClient("http://MyHost]/ServiceAPI"); trimClient.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; Record record = new Record() { Uri = 9000000001 }; record.ChildRelationships = new List<RecordRelationship>() { new RecordRelationship() { RelatedRecord = new RecordRef() { Uri = 9000000003}, RelationType = RecordRelationshipType.IsRelatedTo }}; trimClient.Post<RecordsResponse>(record);
Assuming you are using jQuery this code will create a record relationship from Javascript, the complete code can be found here.
$().ready(function () { $('#recordRelationship').submit(function () { var data = { "Uri": $("input[name=Uri]").val() } data["ChildRelationships"] = [{ "RecordRelationshipRelatedRecord": $("input[name=RelatedUri]").val(), "RecordRelationshipRelationType": "IsRelatedTo" }]; $.ajax({ url: "Record", type: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify(data) }) .done(function (response, statusText) { alert("success"); }) .fail(function (xhr) { var err = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")"); alert(err.ResponseStatus.Message); }); return false; }); });
Written on August 27, 2015