Checkin Style and Email deletion
This is a note to clarify what happens to emails processed by CM EmailLink.
Content Manager 9.1
Content Manager 9.2
Mapping 9.1 to 9.2
The check boxes uses in 9.1 map to the (I believe) simpler UI in 9.2 like this:
- Permanent Delete - no check boxes selected.
- Move to Deleted Items - 'Keep email in the mail system' NOT selected and 'Move to deleted' selected.
- Retain in Mail System - 'Keep email in the mail system' selected and 'Move to deleted' NOT selected.
What actually happens
After the email has been filed in Content Manager one of three things happens:
- Permanent delete - the mail is hard deleted and is not available in the deleted items folder
- Move to deleted items - if a mail prefix is set in System Options it is pre-pended to the subject and the unique Id of the Record is set in a custom property on the email. Then the email is moved to the Deleted items folder.
- Retain in Mail System - same as 'Move to deleted items' except the email is not moved to the Deleted Items folder.
Written on May 22, 2018